Deployment Reference
The following provides an Ant Target Shortlist and lists files and/or functions copied/touched during various ant targets called.
Ant Target Shortlist
Deploying EJBCA
ant deployear
Files Deployed
ejbca.ear is deployed to the standalone/deployments directory in JBoss/WildFly
Installing EJBCA
ant runinstall
Files Deployed
TLS keystores (keystore.jks and truststore.jks) and superadmin keystore (superadmin.p12) are created in the directory p12
Will create initial Management CA and TLS and superadmin users in the database
Upgrading EJBCA
To upgrade EJBCA, and thus only deploy a new ejbca.ear file, use the following command:
ant deployear
Deploying a Key Store to JBoss/Wildfly
ant deploy-keystore
Files Deployed
keystore.jks is deployed from p12 to standalone/configuration/keystore/
truststore.jks is deployed from p12 to standalone/configuration/keystore/